Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday (FINALLY) part 2

I am finally back home (eating seaweed sheets folded thick and dipped into salsa AGAIN). Fortunately (or unfortunately) I have only a TINY bit left (33sheets of seaweed and about 1/2 cup salsa) so I can't binge on it after I eat it. Tomorrow I'm getting more.

I did my 54min @ the gym (523cal/ 5.49miles) then went to work pretty happy BECAUSE the one co-worker who I CANNOT stand (the one that does NOTHING) was off today, and I got to work with my fabulous, favorite coworker whom I rarely see. He is fabulous and gay and funny and I am so calm & chilled out when he's there. I even offered to open for him tomorrow so he can go out and party and sleep in. My weekend shopping buddy is at his Godson's bday (1 years old!) until 2pm tomorrow, so I figured I might as well make some $, because I refuse to sit at home and binge from boredom/stress.

I also got gifted another bottle of Starbucks Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup which I am using in my Protilife ice cream & shake tonight. As we speak I am also adding in to my GG Scandinavian Crisp Bread Sprinkles, and microwaving it so it's mushy and hot.

I ate 2.3 Sweet Nothings Belgium Cats post gym, and about 48g of sprinkles. I then had a can of tuna, a can of wax beans, and a can of sliced bamboo shoots with The Keg's seasoning salt and Walden Farms' Thousand Island Dressing. I managed to eat 3 packs of "dessert" gum ( trident pina colada, juicy fruits new orange pineapple juicy stix, and stride wild berry) and I huge cucumber sliced and sprinkled with strawberry kiwi crystal light, sweetener, and lemon juice.

What products/ items do you want to see reviewed???
I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but mono and stress and laziness got in the way. Do you want individual vitamin reviews, supplements, fat burner's and thermo's, pre/post workout, BCAA'S, proteins, cleanses, fiber supplements etc. Let me know! This isn't just some random reviewing- I am a nutrition and supplement consultant, so I do now my stuff inside and out. Ingredients mean something to me, and I understand the functioning, science, formulas etc. Beyond that, it's a passion.

Hope to hear from you and get some feedback!

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