Chocolate Covered Katie is having the best giveaway!!! The VITAMIX 5200!!!!
Check it out!
Nutrition and Supplement advice, Reviews, Sugar-Free food recipe experiments and swaps, fitness, health, and all things related to Wellness! My journey of health, life, maintaining my sanity, nutrition, fitness and supplement reviews. Hopefully I can provide you with some information to help you lead a better life!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
It was my birthday today, and I couldn't have asked for a better day! I just wish I had seen my baby sister! I woke up @ 3am with the worst MIGRAINE. I haven't had a migraine for over 3 months. My foot was THROBBING. I literally had 8 extra strength Advil's and TRIED to get some sleep. I did not want to spend my birthday sick, in pain and over all miserable. I was determined to make it the best day I could have.
I finally got up LATE and in horrible pain, and decided that I WILL go to the gym. My leg was more raw and inflamed than normal at that point in the morning. I had an okay workout- and was glad it was over. I was excited to go to work, because the girl that irritates me was off today, and the girl I LOVE was working with me! Also, one of my friends is a pro football player, and he was planning to come to visit me and get some supplement/training help. I HOBBLE to work, and my manager (had to take off from work early yesterday due to his son) texted saying he is taking a sick day. I was ECSTATIC! It's a different energy when he is gone! I am more at ease, and do a much better job. My only concern was that he would text the girl I don't like to come in. Luckily he didn't! I got a surprise delivery from a friend:

Sorry about the lame background! I also had a friend I USED to be super close with in stop by unexpectedly! I hadn't spoken to her so long and really missed her. I was actually thinking about her this morning-and for no reason she shows up! I had texts come in, and aside from some stupid customers, my day was so nice! I ended up working 2.5hrs longer than scheduled!
I also have 2 new clients! I need to get over my self doubt! I keep procrastinating and putting it off. It's all on me, and I am so afraid of falling short of expectations. Of being a failure. I am extremely sensitive to criticism and look to other's for approval/respect and acceptance. In short, I look for validation and justification in others. I feel like I need to constantly prove myself.
I also got some lip venom from a beautifully sweet girl that works in the building. My leg started THROBBING and I finally left work at 5pm, and hobbled to Shopper's Drug Mart for Ibuprofen. Their Advil's were ridiculously over-priced, so I settled for their ghetto house version. 100 soft gels for $18.99! I took the below picture walking home. How pretty! It was so warm outside today too!!!!
I finally got up LATE and in horrible pain, and decided that I WILL go to the gym. My leg was more raw and inflamed than normal at that point in the morning. I had an okay workout- and was glad it was over. I was excited to go to work, because the girl that irritates me was off today, and the girl I LOVE was working with me! Also, one of my friends is a pro football player, and he was planning to come to visit me and get some supplement/training help. I HOBBLE to work, and my manager (had to take off from work early yesterday due to his son) texted saying he is taking a sick day. I was ECSTATIC! It's a different energy when he is gone! I am more at ease, and do a much better job. My only concern was that he would text the girl I don't like to come in. Luckily he didn't! I got a surprise delivery from a friend:

I also have 2 new clients! I need to get over my self doubt! I keep procrastinating and putting it off. It's all on me, and I am so afraid of falling short of expectations. Of being a failure. I am extremely sensitive to criticism and look to other's for approval/respect and acceptance. In short, I look for validation and justification in others. I feel like I need to constantly prove myself.
I also got some lip venom from a beautifully sweet girl that works in the building. My leg started THROBBING and I finally left work at 5pm, and hobbled to Shopper's Drug Mart for Ibuprofen. Their Advil's were ridiculously over-priced, so I settled for their ghetto house version. 100 soft gels for $18.99! I took the below picture walking home. How pretty! It was so warm outside today too!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010
I did go to the gym this morning- despite being anxious and crabby. Heel/ankle hurt a lot this morning! I did 54min=523cal/5.53m. I showered, measured out my RENEW LIFE FIBERSMART
(24g) and headed home. I mixed it with Davinci sugar free German Chocolate Cake
, and of course Walden Farm's Pancake Syrup, cinnamon and Sweet'n'Low sweetener. SO GOOD!
I then got picked up by a friend and had a surprisingly decent time. I got tons of product (more Dole Romaine Lettuce, 4 more broccoli slaws, 10 more radish bags, tomatoes, peppers, coleslaw*2, 16 canned wax bean cans, cauliflower*5, crystal light,a 2 454g packed mushroom saran wrapped containers, and 25 bulk bin picked mushrooms, 10 packs of sf refridgerated jello packs) etc. S got my 'Birthday Salsa' and this calendar I'd been lusting over! He also ordered me a case of my GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread

Along side of the fridge door, instead of condiments, I have Xenergy
Return Of The PROTISHAKE and Bullet Lovin...
What a day. I was so drained that I went to the gym, got on the machine for 48SEC and went home. I did grab a protilife Chocolate shake from my locker, opened the unopened and unused Magic Bullet
Single shot, and made a thick smoothie with PGX granules
, Davinci Sugar Free Cookie Dough Syrup
, Walden Farms Pancake
, and cinnamon sweetener etc. I kept adding liquid/flavor until it got creamy. I ate this with broccoli slaw, and wax beans.
I stayed mostly in Superstore, grabbed radishes, cauliflower, romaine, canned wax beans salsa etc. Community was OUT of my Holy Basil tea
...not good. I also ran to Arirang (Korean Market) to stock up on some Seaweed Nori Sheets! I was so nervous about seeing S. It was a weird day. Got home, ate, ate a pack of 10 GG Brancrisps
as a dessert, watched tv, read blogs, went to bed...woke up @ 1245AM starving. I ate a bag of radishes 480g, cauliflower, and hot pickeled veggies (Bicks) before hitting the sheets!
I stayed mostly in Superstore, grabbed radishes, cauliflower, romaine, canned wax beans salsa etc. Community was OUT of my Holy Basil tea
GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread,
Magic Bullet,
protein ice cream,
Walden Farms
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Day from hell...or just overly sensitive right now
I honestly don't even know where to begin! What a day. I woke up with my heel/ankle in excruciating pain again. I honestly believe it is fractured. I got less that 1 hr of sleep last night. I am not exaggerating by any means. I was so tired I couldn't think. I took about 5 extra strength Advil and for some reason decided to go to the gym. I was planning on attending the free ZUMBA class tonight- it looks fun. Has anyone tried it yet? T
That clearly didn't happen. As I was leaving, I looked down and saw a white piece of paper was slid underneath the door, under my door mat. It was a 24hr Notice of Entry by the management to enter my apartment for plumbing TODAY. I didn't see it yesterday. I had a total anxiety attack. Right then and there I broke down. My place is a DISASTER. I am so ashamed. I immediately called telling them that I can't do today. I'm like an episode of HOARDERS (not quite so bad- but close). I then went to the gym because I was freaking out. I honestly could've died on the machine. I felt so exhausted and in pain.
I immediately called the Office again and in complete tears explained to the lady that I can't do today, absolutely not, I haven't cleaned, my birthday is coming up, I am stressed, I am ashamed etc... She told me she would have to talk to the maintenance guys and landlord (who were both currently in a meeting) and get back to me. WHAT?! I thought it wouldn't be a huge deal to reschedule. Apparently I was wrong. She finally called back and said that they will accommodate me THIS TIME, but not again. It was apparently for the ENTIRE floor and because of me they scraped it.
I felt so sick at work. I was so frustrated because the manager scheduled THREE of us @ open! WTF! The co-worker that I tend to bitch about (who does NO WORK!) took all the sales, while I priced stocked, cleaned, restocked everything, organized etc. She did not help AT ALL. Even when the manager was there, she read tabloids! She just stood behind the till and every time a customer walked in she would jump on them before I had the chance. She literally did nothing NOTHING and made all the money.
I obviously didn't go to Zumba. I don't think any impact on my ankle/heel is a good idea. I can barely stand on it. I feel nauseous, over-heated, exhausted, cranky and emotional. It's been so much lately, and it's really wearing on me. I am overwhelmed and totally psychologically, physically, emotionally, and mentally worn out. I won't even get into the DRAMA with S right now. I could truly strangle him or take a baseball bat to him right now. I am that frustrated, fed up and emotional. I am turning my cell off for fear of losing my temper on someone. I never take my anger out on others.... but I am at a breaking point!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Good and The Bad...and the ugly
The Good: It isn't Monday anymore!
The Bad: It isn't Friday yet....It's only Tuesday.
The Good: Xenergy's new flavour Cherry Lime!
The Bad: I'm still so tired that a can of that, 4 4Energy pills, thermogenics, B12 aren't doing sh$*
The Good: Not having to worry about seeing or talking to S until atleast Thursday!
The Bad: Have to worry about seeing my boss, and wondering if I am impressing him...and dealing with immature snippy co-workers, and less money due to 4 people being on the floor.
The Good: Show Me What I'm Looking For by Carolina Liar!
The Bad: I keep forgetting to put it on my mp3 or phone!
The Good: As part of my numerous resolutions, I'm going to text a bunch of friends I've lost contact with or haven't heard from in awhile.
The Bad: I withdraw and isolate when I'm feeling overwhelmed.
The Good: BIJA's Holy Basil Tea

The Bad: I'm almost out of New Chapter's super critical Holy Basil :(
The Good: I made good $ at work today, boss took a sick day, and annoying co-worker came 3hrs LATE!!
The Bad: I am so tired.
The Good News: I FINALLY made my printer print after 4 days of trying EVERYTHING.
The Bad: It still isn't wanting to 'suck/feed' the plain paper into the mouth to print it. It won't spool the paper. I had to try printing it 6x!
The Good News: I finally got off my ass, and opened my 'work' email I give out to potential clients, and responded to many of them!
The Bad: I still get self doubts, and am afraid I will let someone down and not measure up....
Monday, January 4, 2010
Good Morning. I am freezing. Sitting by my cluttered computer with 3 layers of sweaters on, and a scarf! I haven't even gone outside yet! I hate WINTER.
I forgot to mention that We have FINALLY gotten Trident Layers! OMG. Ever since I saw these on Julie's Blog I was obsessed (I chew gum like it's crack). Furthermore, I have a slight pineapple scent/flavor addiction. The other day I saw them at Superstore! I only saw Green Apple Pineapple, and Strawberry Orange. They are SO good!
I received an "Oprah" email in my inbox this morning, and as the title intrigued me I clicked on the link (Detoxify Your Life! Start the 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse). I think I am definitely a candidate for this. I took the quiz and WOW...did it ever hit home! Anyone interested in doing this?
My right ankle is KILLING ME. It is excruciating to walk on!? wtf? I woke up with it throbbing, and could barely put weight on it. I worked out (with the help of extra strength advil) and it subsided a BIT after that. I did 54min and 520cal/5.6miles. Work was lame. 4 of us at once! I left @ 3pm and ate lunch in the buildings food court area, and read the paper and a tabloid I found laying around. I also had unpictured two 454g bags of radishes, bran crackers etc:

I then went to pick up some stuff/drop some stuff off and MY VITAMIX ARRIVED
I am too stressed to even unload it or open it. I am currently eating a bag of GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread

This is the first layer
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Ready for Spring already! It is COLD
I hit the gym for some cardio this morning (55min 536cal/5.76miles) and grabbed 3 scoops of Renew Life Fiber Smart
which I mixed with sf pancake syrup and cinnamon at home *amazing!
I had major trepidation about meeting S, so I delayed until 1. I ended up having a decent time. Got lots of second hand books, including the BIGGEST find- Benazir Bhutto's
memoir! I also got about 5 other books, an audio book which I can listen to at night, and a Moonlight CD (classical music that is supposed to be calming). I got The Constant Gardener
, Adam Gopnik's Paris To The Moon
, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
, The Shack
and Richard Prices CLOCKERS
for fun. I usually read heavier books about Africa/Middle East, memoirs etc, but I got all of these plus the cd for $15! My friend also surprised me and bought Dr Suess's The Lorax
I then went to Community Natural Foods to grab more Amazing Grass Chocolate Superfoods
! We then headed to Planet Organic, where S got me more spices (Cape and Herb lemon pepper
Organic Natural Seasoning Salt (this is amazing-onion,garlic, celery, coriander etc). I also got QUE PASA organic Mexican Salsa!
Unfortunately, at Safeway they still didn't have good stock on the sweet Bell Peppers, and I had been hoping that they would have the AMAZING Spanish ones they had 2 weeks ago. The produce person was just putting out a shipment of smaller ones from Israel, so I grabbed about 5. I feel like I'm a culinary citizen of the world! I got Mexican Red Bell Peppers last week! I also got 5 Green Onions, tons of vine tomatoes, Crystal Light, 2 bags of Mann's broccoli slaw (they were SOLD out), mushrooms a Xenergy
Last stop was the AWESOME Korean Market near my apartment called Arirang. I got a pack of white miso soup and a pack of 100 sheets of Yaki Nori full size seaweed.
Here is a picture of my fridge (BAD lighting from fridge and cell phone-sorry). The upper right hand side has a cellophane bag full of red peppers, Dole 908g bags of romaine, radishes, grape tomatoes, broccolislaw and zucchini!
I had major trepidation about meeting S, so I delayed until 1. I ended up having a decent time. Got lots of second hand books, including the BIGGEST find- Benazir Bhutto's
I then went to Community Natural Foods to grab more Amazing Grass Chocolate Superfoods
Unfortunately, at Safeway they still didn't have good stock on the sweet Bell Peppers, and I had been hoping that they would have the AMAZING Spanish ones they had 2 weeks ago. The produce person was just putting out a shipment of smaller ones from Israel, so I grabbed about 5. I feel like I'm a culinary citizen of the world! I got Mexican Red Bell Peppers last week! I also got 5 Green Onions, tons of vine tomatoes, Crystal Light, 2 bags of Mann's broccoli slaw (they were SOLD out), mushrooms a Xenergy
Last stop was the AWESOME Korean Market near my apartment called Arirang. I got a pack of white miso soup and a pack of 100 sheets of Yaki Nori full size seaweed.
Here is a picture of my fridge (BAD lighting from fridge and cell phone-sorry). The upper right hand side has a cellophane bag full of red peppers, Dole 908g bags of romaine, radishes, grape tomatoes, broccolislaw and zucchini!

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