Went to gym even though I was so tired I could cry. I think that’s what I need, a good cry to let out all this repressed emotion and a good sleep! I need NEED a release!
I am now sitting in bed, listening to Jay Sean’s ‘ Down” and relishing have wireless FINALLY!
My daily ‘meditation’ quote comes courtesy of Louis Hay- when you see God in every person place and thing; your life will be fine!
Now it’s ‘Young Artists for Haiti’ doing K’naans ‘Waving Flags” (all money goes to Haiti- it's cool that Knaan joined forces with them) and what really resonates with me is ‘and we’re struggling’, I feel that sentence in my heart, every fiber in my being. But I need to hang in there- keep pushing, taking it moment by moment; step by step and soon I’ll be miles away. This too shall pass.
BTW Lady Gaga’s new song ‘Alejandro”?? Sound WAY too much like ACE OF BASE and ABBA! Don’t you guys think? Especially the chorus part that says 'Don't call my name, don't call my name'. What ACE
OF BASE song does that sound like??!! Argh- I will be thinking of that ALL NIGHT now.
This is the most random post ever. Sorry guys. I stopped by THE BODY SHOP and totally cleansed my skin (cathartic lol) with their Seaweed Exfoliating gel
I also got a ton of samples- LOVE LOVE their new Lemon Body Butter and their Spa Wisdom line with the Polynesian Monoi.
I'm not scheduled to work tomorrow which SUCKS. STRESS STRESS I need a vacation, XANAX, or a room with Bouncy Walls!
I leave you guys with this picture I took of a sign from TOWN & SHOES (this used to be true, but sadly for me it would refer to buying food lol):
UPDATE! I FIGURED THE SONG- ACE OF BASE'S 'DON'T TURN AROUND' (just a bit don't ya think??)
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