Thursday, July 1, 2010

Protein Nutella


I literally have at least 10 clients/customers a DAY telling me to write a cook book! I ramble off my ideas like a machine gun, spewing them out at 200m/hr. People need to be less constricted and have FUN! Protein powders- think of it as a FLAVOR and go from there.

Here is my Protein Nutella/Nut butter:

-Bio X Chocolate Power Whey Isolate
* Optional: Sweetener, Hazelnut extract, or a sugar free syrup  ( Macadamia, Chocolate, 
Hazelnut, Coconut, Almond, French Vanilla, German Chocolate Cake etc)

* I usually make this with ALMOND BUTTER, WALNUT BUTTER, Peanut Butter, Pecan Butter, Cashew Butter, Macadamia Nut Butter (you can use Sunflower butter etc). I only used Hazelnut Butter in the recipe, because Nutella has Hazelnuts.

- For added Nutty Taste and Nutrition, add Fiber Smart or some other Fiber Flax/Chia Supplement (like 4FIBER by Genesis Today')!
Having MAJOR linking/posting problems, so I'll add the product links later!


  1. I can never find hazelnut butter, ill try buying online i guess..sounds awesome on a protein pancake!

  2. can you tell us some basic proportions? I'll play around with it but a ballpark would help...thanks! this looks amazing can't wait to try this! I made "healthy hot chocolate" using protein powder and it was so so good!
