I feel like the seams are unravelling and I am slowly fall apart, thread by thread. I bring a WHOLE new meaning to 'She's come undone'. I think I'm going to test out the Ativan after my workout. I realize it's not THAT big of a deal, but I was addicted to it before. I physically couldn't think about it after; it would make me feel like throwing up. Especially the swallowing part. The pills I had always disintegrated in my mouth and I could taste this chalky, odd powdery taste. I think I'll cut the 1mg in half and start with 0.5mg for now. I just don't want to be popping them like candy, and using them to cope again.
My friend is taking me to TandT's today to grab some shiritaki noodles
I will update with pics after the gym.
Gym 54minutes:520 calories/ 5.40miles. My ankle is KILLING ME. The acetaminophen I took this a.m did nothing!
I am currently sipping onBija's Holy Basil

Excuse the supplement bottles and mess in the background! This tea is very mild and has a distinct herb like taste. Not bad at all!
Had a good day! Saw 9 in the cheap theatre, hit up the Asian T&T's for shiritaki,
This is my lunch I had post gym (after my 5 scoops chocolate super foods

My GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread

My fridge (and beautiful bell peppers):


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