Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Have You Accomplished So Far? 3 Month Wake Up!

It is 3 months into the "New Year". Where are your priorities now? How have you been at staying on track or acheiving those goals you so ardously set at the beginning of the year?

Having been feeling a little been stressed recently, and not at all on top of my game, I decided to focus on what I HAVE accomplished as a means of providing impetus.

I didn't set any goals per say, buy rather strove to maintain my fitness level from the previous year. I set a goal of doing a certain amount of miles a day. How have I been doing? Except for a brief illness that literally had me in the emergency room (and thus unable to exercise, much less stand) I have gone every day and enjoyed every minute of it! I believe due to illness I missed about 3 or 4 days. At first I was resentful because I had a goal and this was messing with it, but I realized it was beyond my control and let it go!

My new goal is to focus on my triceps and strengthening my core again, as I have a bad back and could benefit from some strengthening.

My other goal was to maintain a positive and hopeful mindset; this hasn't been as easy. Due to certain events that happened, I have been dealing with unexpected stress. I also do not have certain resources at my disposal that I had to help me cope with stress. This  means that I have had to adapt without any prior notice. This is a work in progress. Since February, things haven't been going as smoothly as I would have hoped due to a few unexpected 'bumps' in the road (or hurdles). I have had to adapt and adjust to change suddenly, and I am still dealing with the fallout and shock. My goal for this month is to really take time to sit down and figure out a managable way to deal with all of this. Doing this gives me a sense of control and a feeling of accomplishment and productivity. In a sense, it gives me the power back.

From a Supplement stantpoint, I vowed to consciously take my Vitamin D3 pills every morning, as well as my antioxidant supplement. Unfortunately, I have not been consistant in this manner.

I really wanted to watch portions, and instead of eating all my meals at home, I wanted to start packing my meals with me:

(This mornings 3/4 empty tupperware! It was 3 Servings of Baker's Deluxe/Dixie Diners Hot Cereal in Cinnamon Spice), I also had a Chocolite , a Chocolite Peanut butter patty, Crispy Caramel Bar, and Cookies and Cream Bite).Smore's Bar

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