Thursday, July 16, 2009


Since I am too tired to actually write, I am just posting a few pics of my protein cakes and smoothie. I didn't black out today, and got part 1 of my blood test results back. My workout was nice and the day was surprising ok. I even walked to the Korean Market after work to pick up my KAEDE seaweed. I didn't blackout today, and no headache either! My sister said the No Doubt concert was amazing, and I still feel so guilty for not going. Loved everyone's posts today, and I will write more later. Spinach Pumpkin Dip and Kombacha pudding recipes to come!


  1. I know the feeling of being to tired to right. but hey! a picture is worth a thousand words right?!:)

  2. hey girl everything looks great :) keep your head up and get your rest! it's MUCH needed! there will ALWAYS be more concerts!! relaaaaaaaax this weekend you deserve it!
