Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years!

Today started off with a great workout, then dread as to what I should do with my day. I ended up getting picked up by S. He brought up the subject of 'US' again via TEXT. He is such a pathetic coward. He said he wants to talk about it in the New Year before it DAMAGES us. I told him it's his call and he already damaged it. Our grocery run went fine. We ended up @ Planet Organic where I got AMAZING GRASS SUPER FOODS in CHOCOLATE! 5 spices, Simply Natural Black Bean/Corn Salsa, another Planet Organic reusable bag and a drink! Here is a picture of my goods- and yes, that is an Atkinson's sugar free Chik'o'stick on the left side resting on top of the spice!!!

I immediately made my Chocolate Brownie Batter with my GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread!

And FINALLY a picture of my syruped, microwaved, cinnamoned, sweetened PGX'd bowl of pancake syrup, crumbled bran crispbread goodness!! I had 1.5 entire packets! YUM

Here is dinner:

I am eating the rest of my crisp bread, drinking tea, and about to watch Josh Groban!

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